Gleam Garden / Chestnut Road split 7"
Brassneck Records
A perfectly paired split distinguished by its international East-meets-West approach—two Samiam-influenced bands from very different corners of the world complement each other nicely on this record. Chestnut Road is from France and GleamGarden is from Japan. Each band delivers two tracks that would have fit in nicely in the early 1990s emo-pop era. Not that this style doesn’t remain relevant today, but I think both groups would concede that they’re basically playing tribute to five or less of their favorite bands. That’s not a bad thing when their apparent idols include A Radio With Guts and Jawbreaker. It’s definitely a record worth looking for if you’re into any of the aforementioned.
Listen? https://chestnutroad.bandcamp.com/album/gleam-garden-split-7